Browsing by Author Parkar, Fauwaz

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Showing results 1 to 16 of 16
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2021-05Affordable housing using geographical information systemParkar, Fauwaz; Khan, Ibrahim (18DCE06); Kokate, AbdulHadi (18DCE07); Asil, Rais (18DCE11); Shaikh, Sameer (18DCE17)
2017-04Application of total quality management principles for benchmarking production standards in constructionParkar, Fauwaz; Ansari, Salim (14DCES55); Irshad, Ali Asgar Ali (DCES60); Kalwal, Mohd. Mazhar (14DCES61); Khan, Mohd. Luqman (14DCES63)
2018-05Case study of hostel projectParkar, Fauwaz; Harbe, Aaquib (12CE66); Shaikh, Arfaat (13CE48)
2013-03-06Case Study: Application Of Mathematical Techniques On A Construction ProjectParkar, Fauwaz
2016-01Comparative study and decision making for a formwork technique to be adopted on a construction site in mumbaiKazi, Arbaz; Parkar, Fauwaz
2016-02-20Comparing design-build and design-bid-build project- Case of residential projectsKazi, Arbaz; Parkar, Fauwaz
2017-05Experimental investigation on geopolymer concreteParkar, Fauwaz; Tungekar, Ruh-ul-Ameen (13CE62); Gupta, Sonu (13CE61); Ansari, Waseem (13DCE69); Khan, Rmaeeza (14DCE73)
2018-05Experimental study on bendable concreteParkar, Fauwaz; Kazi, Izhan(14CE20); Khot, Suhail(14CE36); Majid, Ramish(14CE37)
2019-05Life cycle cost analysis of a hostel building with energy efficient approach : Case studyParkar, Fauwaz; Hasamnis, Rahul Sunil [16DCES66]; Sayyed, Firoj Khalil [16DCES83]; Asari, Zoheb Md. Nazim [16DCES60]; Mansoori, Juned Amjad Ali [16DCES72]
2020-05Net zero energy buildingParkar, Fauwaz; Shaikh, Jahangir (15CES44); Bagwan, Saif Ali (15CES13)
2017-08-02Probability and StatisticsParkar, Fauwaz
2019-05Redevelopment of MIG colony (MHADA) as energy efficient colonyParkar, Fauwaz; Ansari, Ahmed Irfan [15CE08]; Shaikh, Amir Mavia [15CE43]; Khan, Adnan S [15CE19]; Chougle, Shuaib Aslam [15CE14]
2016-05Statistical modelling for prediction of soil parameters at AIKTC, PanvelParkar, Fauwaz; Duduke, Wasif (12CE17); Jiwrak, Amir (11CE18); Shaikh, Md. Abrar (12CE52)
2021System design for effective construction inventory managementParkar, Fauwaz; Kazi, Abdul Aziz Faroq (18CEM04)
2011-02-18Use of statistical methods in construction industryParkar, Fauwaz
2013-01-04Use of statistical techniques in construction managementParkar, Fauwaz