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dc.contributor.authorRajani Shettigar-
dc.identifier.citationVol.1, Sept.2014, p.A23-A27en_US
dc.description.abstractThe coconut plant Cocos nucifera (family Arecaceae) is considered as an important fruit crop in tropical countries. It is commonly available plant with wide variety of applications in food, drinks, fibres, building materials and various chemicals finding their way into a huge range of modern day products. Being highly nutritious, young coconuts have also been studied for medicinal qualities. As preliminary investigation of the use of coconut husk, the antimicrobial activity can be evaluated. In present study antimicrobial activity of coconut husk is evaluated. It was observed that the antimicrobial activity of husk extract increased with increasing concentration and was found to be more effective against gram-negative than gram-positive organism. Extract was observed more effective against Pneumonia vulgaris. Presence of tannins and other phenolic compounds may responsible for antimicrobial activity.en_US
dc.publisherAnnals of Applied Bio-Sciencesen_US
dc.subjectStaff Publication - SoPen_US
dc.titleEvaluation of Antimicrobial Activity of Coconut Husk Extracten_US
Appears in Collections:Research - School of Pharmacy

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