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Title: Design and development of an indoor airship
Other Titles: Design and fabrication of envelope
Authors: Motiwala, Nawaz
Izhar, Ahmed (11ME26)
Ansari, Kaushar (11ME09)
Khan, Haroon (11ME62)
Haider, Kazmi (11ME25)
Keywords: Project Report - ME
Issue Date: May-2015
Publisher: AIKTC
Abstract: This project is to design and fabricate the envelope for an indoor airship, paper includes the brief idea about selection of suitable material, deciding and estimating shape and volume of the envelope for an indoor airship with minimum dimension which can lift the required payload. The methodology adopted here is a systematic collation of various design and approaches and concepts, which were studied during the design. The various shapes have been studied for their different characteristics like surface area, volume, surface area/ volume, lift, length/volume ratio and all the shapes have been compared on above characteristics and a suitable shape have been selected. Also a easy methodology is advised for petal profile generation for the ease of fabrication.
Appears in Collections:Mechanical Engineering - Project Reports

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