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Title: PHR Based Health Care And Emergency Aid System Using Google Cloud Messaging
Authors: Bodke, Kalpana
Kazi, Ravish (11CO17)
Keywords: Project Report - CO
Issue Date: May-2015
Publisher: AIKTC
Abstract: PHR stands for Personal Health Record. PHR is a tool that a person can use to collect, track and share past and current information about his health or the health of someone under his care. This concept of PHR Based Health Care System can act as a bridge between patient and doctor with no restriction of time and place. In this System, the patient has his own PHR record and can update his PHR record and can also links his family doctor to his PHR record.When a patient updates his PHR record, the doctor who is linked with his PHR record will get an automatic notification regarding the updation of PHR record by the patient.Thus doctor receives updates about the current condition of a patient and can also give suggestion to the patient as required. Emergency Aid System, abbreviated as EAS, is a system that provides emergency medical care. Once it is activated by an incident that causes serious illness or injury, the focus of EAS is emergency medical care of the patient(s).The Concept of Emergency Aid System using PHR is- Suppose, if a person having a PHR record meets with an accident, he can immediately notify through his digital device about his accident to the nearest registered hospital from the location where he met with the accident. The corresponding hospital will get notification about the accident, which contains person’s user id for his PHR record, using which the hospital staff can get the past and present health record of the concerned person, and location information or Geo co-ordinates where the accident has taken place. Thus the hospital staff can get the person’s health related information and location where accident has taken place, in advance and thus can do emergency treatment appropriately. The project is implemented on android platform.
Appears in Collections:Computer Engineering - Project Reports

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