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Title: Design of floating roof type crude oil main storage tank for storage of bombay high offshore type of high waxy crude oil
Authors: Ranade, S.V.
Shaikh, Mubarak Ali (13ME53)
Tiwari, Vaibhav (13ME60)
Shaikh, Feroz (13ME47)
Yadav, Nitish (13ME63)
Keywords: Project Report - ME
Issue Date: May-2017
Publisher: AIKTC
Series/Report no.: Accession # PE0231;
Abstract: This project includes the designing of the floating roof tank and impeller in order to restrict the sludge formation inside the tank for storage of hard waxy crude oil. This crude oil results in settling when left undisturbed for longer duration which results in causing of the hard sludge. This sludge thus formed is then removed by cleaning which brings many hazardous situation in play. In order to restrict this, impellers ability to create disturbance inside the tank is studied on ansys fluent cfd. Side entry impeller is an efficient converter of energy into fluid motion. Unlike jet mixer systems, they do not suffer significant energy losses at the pump, in the pipework, in the bends, or most significantly, at the jet nozzles. In addition, capital costs are lower and access to in-tank components is not restricted, while the problem of frequent, urgent maintenance on tanks that must be emptied and cleaned, is eliminated. Side Entry impellers are also more efficient than top entry impellers, and are significantly less expensive for larger diameter tanks. Side Entry mixers are ideal for use on tanks with floating roofs where practical considerations preclude the use of top entry mixers. To control or prevent the accumulation of bottom sludge and water pockets (BS&W) especially in crude oil storage tanks at refineries, or terminals. High velocity circulation is necessary to scour completely the bottom of the tank by maintaining the heavy solids, water and corrosive salts in suspension. The developed jet flow is used to lift the BS&W into the body of the crude oil to maintain a relatively clean tank floor.
Appears in Collections:Mechanical Engineering - Project Reports

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