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Title: Ideal High School And Junior College ka jalsa-e-taqseem inamaat aur magazine ki rasme Ajraa
Other Titles: آئیڈیل ہائی اسکول اینڈ جونیئر کالج کا جلسہ تقسیم انعامات اور میگزین کی رسم اجرا
Authors: Inquilab
Keywords: News Paper-Article
Issue Date: 22-Feb-2018
Publisher: Inquilab
Abstract: Ideal High School And Junior College- Chembur, celecbrated their Annual Function along with their Magazine inauguration and Dr. Abdul Razzak Honnutagi, Director of Ajnuman-I-Islam Kalsekar Technical Campus -New Panvel, was there as their Chief Guest for that event. Principal of Anjuman's Kalsekar Polytechnic-New Panvel, Prof.Ramzan Khatik was also there.
Appears in Collections:AIKTC/AI's in Media

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