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Title: eContent Development Tools & Techniques for Effective Teaching & Learning Process
Keywords: Events - LIS
Training - Faculty
Issue Date: 19-May-2020
Appears in Collections:Library Events

Files in This Item:
File Description SizeFormat 
eContent Flyer.pdf1.5 MBAdobe PDFView/Open
eContent Webinar - Report.pdf8.82 MBAdobe PDFView/Open
eContent Webinar-Final Participants - FINAL.pdfFinal List of Participants & Feedbacks409.92 kBAdobe PDFView/Open
Inaugral.jpg56.61 kBJPEGView/Open
qirat.jpg66.09 kBJPEGView/Open
Valedictory1.jpg61.06 kBJPEGView/Open
Veledictory.jpg52.19 kBJPEGView/Open
Valedictory3.jpg46.44 kBJPEGView/Open
Valedictory3.jpg46.44 kBJPEGView/Open
Practice1.jpg63.19 kBJPEGView/Open
Practice11.jpg64.24 kBJPEGView/Open
practice5.jpg95.37 kBJPEGView/Open

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