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Title: Failure analysis of mechanical seals
Authors: Momin, Zia
Deshmukh, Soban Aslam Khan (16ME19)
Khamkar, Bilal Athar (16ME26)
Pathan, Tavit Ayub (17DME135)
Keywords: Project Report - ME
Issue Date: May-2020
Publisher: AIKTC
Abstract: This report discussesthefinaldraftofthechosentopic,which entitled Failure Analysis in the MechanicalSeal.Sealface crack propagationisoneofthemajorcauseswhichleadtothefailureofthe mechanicalsealthereforeanalysesonthesealbeforehandisimportant. Normallyfailurehappensduetothiscrackwhichmayhappenasearlyas aftertwomonthaftertheinstallationofthemechanicalseal.
URI: http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/3647
Appears in Collections:Mechanical Engineering - Project Reports

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