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Device Data Sheets

Internet Based 8051 Debugger

8051 Resource Web Pages

Dallas Semicondutor 87C520

Programming and Customizing the 8051

In my previous books, I have included a diskette or CD-ROM with:

  • Source code for the experiments and example applications
  • Tools needed to Assemble and Simulate the code
  • Adobe ".pdf" Manufacturers Data Sheets

While the information was useful and reasonably complete, there were some problems with readers being unfamiliar with the MS-DOS commands that are needed to browse the files and to copy them onto a hard disk.

To avoid these problems, I have created this .html interface to the CD-ROM. This interface includes instructions (along with showing what the MS-DOS Command line should look like) on how to copy the files on this CD-ROM onto your hard file as well as load and run "UMPS" and the Remote 8051 Emulator. By clicking on "Code", "Device Data Sheets" or other underlined selections, in the selection bar on the left hand side of the pages, you will jump to the selected page and will be able to look at or copy the files directly.

For best results, I recommend that you use Microsoft's "Internet Explorer" version 4.0 or greater or Netscape's "Navigator" version 4.0 or greater with a window size of 800 by 640 pixels.

Please note that the .html on this CD-ROM includes a link to my web page ( as well as links to appropriate web pages. I suggest that you look at these links periodically for erratta and updates, updated 8051 links and resources, other books and information that may be useful to you.
