Applicability of Radio Frequency Identi cation (RFID) system which is a new generation
of Auto Identi cation and Data collection technology in a future Smart Library Man-
agement System is presented in this paper. It helps to automate business processes and
allows identi cation of large number of tagged objects like books, using radio waves. In
existing system barcode and token card system were used. Barcodes have no read/write
capabilities; they do not contain any added information such as expiry date etc. and it
needs line of sight, less security and it also can easily damaged. By using token card
system, they are very labor intensive and work process for the librarians was more. By
considering the above demerits in the existing systems, the proposed Smart RFID system
, which is a wireless non-contact system that uses radio frequency to transfer data from
a tag attached to an object, for the purpose of automatic identi cation and tracking.
RFID doesnt need the line of sight, it remove manual book keeping of records, improved
utilization of resources like manpower, infrastructure etc. Also less time consumption as
line of sight and manual interactions are not needed for RFID Tag reading. RFID based
Library Management system would helps to allow fast transaction
ow for the library and
will prove immediate and long term bene ts to library in traceability and security.