Browsing Research - Dept. of Central Library by Title

Browsing Research - Dept. of Central Library by Title

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  • Momin, Shaheen S.; Bakshi, Zaid A.; Gaonkar, Rupesh C. (BDD Vispute College of Education, New Panvel, 2014-10-18)
    Today business depends on marketing; therefore marketing of any product is seen from the point of view of its final result that is from customer's point of view. Thus marketing means working with market to actualize potential ...
  • Momin, Shaheen; Gaonkar, Rupesh (Research Dimensions, 2016-12-10)
    Institutional repositories (IR) are digital collections that capture, collect, manage, disseminate, and preserve scholarly work created by the constituent members in individual institutions. This paper presents the results ...
  • Magar, R. B.; Momin, Shaheen S.; Honnutagi, Abdul Razak; Khan, Tabrez (K.K. Wagh Institute of Engineering Education & Research, Nashik, 2019-06-08)
    The Institutional Repository (IR) is a very vital tool which can serve as an engine to change the academic functioning of any Institution significantly. It is now need of an hour that Information Center and Libraries of ...
  • Ansari, Shaheen N.; Gaonkar, Rupesh (Indian Streams Research Journal, 2014-03-23)
    Library is a fast growing organism. The ancient methods of maintaining it are no longer dynamic and efficient. For expeditious retrieval and dissemination of information and better service for the clientele, application ...
  • Momin, Shaheen; Palekar, Nanzeen (Scholarly Research Journals, 2016-12-10)
    With the dramatic increase in the use of smartphones, library patrons increasingly demand the ability to access library services and information anytime, anywhere via their smartphones. To cater the mobile users need ...
  • Ansari, Shaheen N.; Gaonkar, Rupesh (C.T.Bora College, 2013-12)
    In libraries there are a number of ways to get using QR codes. Barcodes are used within libraries mainly to link items to a catalogue record. Using the traditional barcode the information contained is very limited and ...
  • Momin, Shaheen (2016-08-27)
    Invited as a Speaker for One Day Workshop on “Use of QR Code and Augmented Reality Application in Libraries" on 27th August 2016 at MIT School of Management, Pune.
  • Ansari, Shaheen N. (CESER Publications, 2010)
    Technology has expanded the range and ease of information access at the expense of personal contact. The implications for libraries are substantial: a need to more clearly identify groups of users and their different ...

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