This folder contains a folder (Original Kinematic Programs) with the MATLAB programs and
files discussed in the text book along with a manual for using the programs. The manual is in .pdf
format and can be read using Adobe Acrobat. The manual gives the general input/output format for
the programs and an example run for each of the programs that contain graphics commands.
Appendix A of the manual also gives a brief, general overview of MATLAB which is intended to
give the novice user of MATLAB an understanding of how the program is used for solving general
engineering problems.
When using both the programs and the manual, it is assumed that MATLAB (5.0 or higher) is
installed on your computer. The programs were developed on a Power Macintosh using MATLAB
version 5.1. They have been tested on a PC running MATLAB 5.1 and Windows 95. Because of
the differences between MATLAB 5.0 and older versions, the programs will not run on versions of
MATLAB prior to 5.0.